All You Need to Know About Babysitting, Child Care, Mother’s Helpers & Senior Care at Disney World
There are various options when it comes to hiring assistance while you’re at Disney World. Here is what’s available:
- Babysitting in-room
- Babysitting in a club format
- Parent-free Child adventure (Captain Hook’s Pirate Crew)
- Pet sitting
- Elder Care & Companionship
- Mother’s/Father’s Helpers
Using Babysitting services during your visit to Disney World is an option. You may want to plan in advance to get some adult time in during your visit. For example, you can go out to dinner or enjoy the adult options in the parks. Or you may just want an extra adult to help you manage your children in the parks. If you have a senior who could use some support, that’s available too. There are some good options for support which we’ll go over.
We’ll cover all of the above!
Kid’s Nite Out: In-Room Babysitters, Elder Care, Pet Sitting plus Park Childcare Assistance at Disney World
Disney does not provide babysitting, but recommends an outside company called Kids Nite Out. Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, they’ll send a caregiver to your hotel room for:
- One-on-one in room child care. They’ll come with age-appropriate toys, books, activities and arts & crafts projects.
- Mother’s and Father’s helper. You can take someone to the parks for help and support. You must pay for park entry for the helper.
- Pet sitting. They will feed, walk and play with your pet. They can also give medication.
- Senior/Elder Care – They’ll assist with things like meals, medications and companionship.
Rates for Kids Nite Out at Disney World (subject to change):
Rates vary by the number of children or pets, and time of day. Holidays and special events may also impact their rates.
- Childcare rates start at $30 per hour for one child with a 4 hour minimum charge. There’s a $12 Caregiver transportation fee.
- Pet care rates start at $30 per hour for one pet with a 4 hour minimum charge. There’s a $10 Caregiver transportation fee.
- Senior/Elder Companion care starts at $20 per hour for person with a 4 hour minimum charge.
Water activities are not permitted, which includes swimming, bathing and boating. There are some other rules which you can view at their website:
Booking at least 2 weeks in advance is advised, and you can book up to 30 days in advance. You can call to reserve from 8 AM to 9 PM, 7 days a week at 800-696-8105 extension 0.
They accept children from the age of 6 weeks to 12 years old, though they’ll take teenagers on a case by case basis. If you have four or more children, they must be two or older.
They’ll care for special needs children. Explain your child’s special needs when making the reservation. If possible they’ll assign a caregiver who has experience caring for children with that condition, but of course there’s no guarantee of that. If your child has special dietary needs, they’ll handle that as directed if you ask them to prepare a simple meal or take them to the food court or resort restaurant.
The staff members at Kids Nite Out are at least 18 years old, trained by Kid’s Nite Out, certified in child/infant CPR and basic first aid, and must complete Walt Disney World “Traditions” training. They’re given criminal background checks.
Other Babysitting Companies in the Disney World and Orlando Area
There are other babysitting companies in the Disney area. Some of the sitting services will take the kids out to activities and/or parks if you so authorize. If you want this done, let them know and the sitter who arrives will have an Annual Pass, so you won’t have to pay for their entry into the park. Of course you’ll need to pay for your children’s tickets.
Please remember that we’re not endorsing any company, but giving you information for your research. Here are some Disney area companies:
Phone 407-812-9300
Fairy Godmothers
Phone 407-277-3724
or 407-275-7326
They’ll take special needs people of any age including elders, and will even takes pets. According to Fairy Godmothers, all babysitters have CPR training. Available 24/7. All sitters are women.
Super Sitters, Inc.
Phone 407-382-2558
Toll Free 800-972-9819
They’ll accept special needs children and the elderly.
True Help Services
Phone 888-293-3310
Resort babysitting/camp-like facilities at Disney World
While Disney World used to offer a bunch of different childcare clubs or camps, they no longer offer these, but the non-Disney owned Dolphin resort does offer Camp Dolphin. The Dolphin resort is located on Disney property, within walking distance to Epcot and Hollywood Studios. You do not need to be staying at this resort to use the service.
Camp Dolphin entertains the kids with video games, movies, crafts, games, etc. Sometimes they’ll have a themed special event for the kids. They take up to 18 children a night, and they have two camp counselors. Call for reservations: (407) 934-4241. Visit their site here:
- Price: Starts at $50 to $85 per child per hour, depending on the program you choose. You can receive up to 2 hours of free childcare at Camp Dolphin if you have dinner at Shula’s Steak House, Todd English’s Bluezoo or Il Mulino New Yort Trattoria, or if you get spa services of 75 minutes or more at at Mandara Spa.
- Hours: 4 pm to 11 pm.
- Age: Kids must be from ages 5 to 12.
- Meals: Dinner is included. They usually serve kids favorites like hot docs, chicken fingers, burgers and mac & cheese.
- Requirement: Kids must be potty-trained. No pull-ups permitted.
- Reservations: They’re needed and space is limited. There may be some last minute walk-ins accepted if there’s space available.
Special needs children are accepted on a case by case basis.
They must be able to use the rest room, and eat without assistance as the staff will not help with these things. If they’re not able to do those things alone because of their disability, the ADA does require that the facility consider reasonable accommodations, which could be having the parent called to come and assist the child.
This suggestion comes from Amy Paulshock, one of our writers/researchers:
“Although our children loved their experience there when they were little, not every child does. The difficulty with these places is mostly the hour. If your children are already exhausted from their day at the park, it doesn’t matter WHAT kind of fun the place is dishing out. It’s just overload. There is really no place for them to just curl up and sleep other than cushions on the floor. So if you are going to do this you might want to consider it on a day when you haven’t run them ragged already.”
Captain Hook’s Pirate Crew: Children’s Activities without Parents (Temporarily unavailable)

Drop off your child and they’ll be taken on a pirates adventure. This frees you up for a few hours. Offered nightly at Disney’s Beach Club Resort, you can drop off the kids and do your own thing. It’s a short period, but you’re within walking distance to a number of great restaurants, as well as Epcot and Hollywood Studios.
Captain Hook’s Pirate Crew consists of pirate themed games, dinner and a boat ride.
Call (407) 824-KIDS or (407) 824-5437.
- Price: $55 plus tax per child per night, at this writing (subject to change).
- Hours: 5 PM to 8:30 PM. You can drop off your child at 4:30 PM if you wish.
- Dinner: Includes child friendly options (subject to change) such as macaroni and meatballs or macaroni and cheese, with dessert.
- Reservations: They’re strongly recommended.
- Rules: Kids must be fully potty-trained.
Visit Disney’s page here for details:
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