What’s the best stroller company in Orlando? And why we chose them as our Orlando stroller sponsor.
We did our research and there was one clear choice. We like Buena Vista Rentals for many reasons! Here’s a brief overview of why, and below we’ll explain.
- FREE DELIVERY to resorts and hotels.
- Newest equipment.
- Clean equipment and well maintained.
- GREAT REPUTATION and customer reviews.
- Quick service, even in the parks.
- Great selection of strollers and stroller accessories.
- Convenience. They’ll meet you to drop off and pick up your stroller at your Disney resort. At most non-Disney resorts including Swan and Dolphin, they can do this without you being there.
- More options such as a case of water or Gatorade with your delivery.
- Reliable! They’ve been in business over 24 years, and they’re well known as a trustworthy company.
- Largest fleet in the Orlando area & largest number of delivery vehicles.
More about why we asked Buena Vista Scooters to sponsor us and why we like them
We’re frequently asked about stroller rentals and which company to rent from. It’s a common question in our Facebook group Walt Disney World Made Easy for Everyone.
We chose Buena Vista Rentals (BVR for short), as our sponsor, and it’s a company we can easily get fully behind! Here’s why we believe that they’re a really good choice!
Buena Vista Rentals has a GREAT reputation
Before inviting Buena Vista Rentals to sponsor, we checked them out. What we found was that they consistently had great reviews and they’ve built a really good reputation over the years.
When we asked Buena Vista Rentals representative Matt Haggadone what makes them different from other companies that rent strollers, he told us that it was their consistent service and reliability. Check out some of the things he told me about the way they do business:
“All our equipment is safe and clean. We have new, clean equipment with charger bags, bumpers and we also have a wide variety of accessories …
We take the time to thoroughly check all our equipment before renting it out… Our strollers are cleaned after every rental and power washed cleaned every month. We thoroughly look over strollers, replacing any parts that need to be replaced or doing any extra deep cleaning needed.
No overbooking so you’re guaranteed your equipment.
We have 5 new trucks on the road delivering equipment. We can assist customers within an hour or less after calling us. We have a great relationship with the area hotels and resorts, including the Disney and Universal Resorts. At all Universal resorts, and many other area resorts including the Swan, Dolphin, Shades of Green, Four Seasons, etc., we can have your equipment there at the resort waiting for you when you arrive.
We strive to meet and exceed all guest needs so they will continue to come back to us year after year. The customer comes first, we know they are here to enjoy the theme parks and we wish to help them have a great experience while they are here in Central Florida.”
—Matt Haggadone, Buena Vista Rentals
Put that all together and it’s a recipe for a stellar experience.
Buena Vista Rentals has some very cool extra services!
They have helpful services and options that other vendors don’t offer. For example they’ll deliver cases of water or sports drinks with your order. They also offer scooters, wheelchairs, bicycles and oxygen rental.
Beuna Vista Rentals has convenient locations.
If you should need to go to Buena Vista Rentals for any reason, they have a convenient rental location on Disney property at the front of the BoardWalk Inn, and they also have other locations around Orlando. They are a PREFERRED VENDOR for Swan & Dolphin, and the Loews Universal Hotels.
NEED TO RENT A STROLLER? Choose Buena Vista Rentals. 
Click here to see this discount on their site.
Or Call: (866) 484-4797 (mention the diz-abled.com offer or “EASY DISNEY” to get your FREE SNACK TRAY)
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