With a little planning and knowledge you can save yourself a nice chunk of money! Some gas stations in the Orlando area are charging way above the going rate for gasoline, according to an article on clickorlando.com. They showed one Shell gas station at 8878 Vineland Avenue charging $5.99 a gallon for unleaded, when nearby stations are charging just $1.68 for unleaded. The reporter actually saw people filling up their tanks there.
This is very close to Disney, and it’s an area that’s full of tourists. To give you an idea of where it is, it’s about 6 miles away from the Swan and Dolphin resorts at Disney, in the Epcot area. This high fee strategy is sometimes used by gas stations who target tourists, especially those from outside of the country who may not be aware of current local gas prices. This has been going on for a while, and we don’t think it’s illegal.
We wanted our smart Disney family to know before you go so you don’t get overcharged! If you buy just 10 gallons at those prices, you’d be paying approximately $43.31 extra! There are a lot of other things you could do with that money, so it pays to be aware.
While in Orlando remember that there are a lot of locals who live there, and you can find just about anything priced reasonably, including gas. Try not to wait until your tank is close to empty, you’re about to drop off your rental, or until you’re almost to the highway to refill your tank or you’ll have less flexibility. Just a little planning can help you save a lot of money.
Jackie Gata, a member on our facebook group Walt Disney World Made Easy for Everyone, made the following suggestion:
“I left Orlando yesterday and I paid 1.60ish. You should try downloading the gas buddy app on your phone. It’ll tell you the prices all around so I always check it to find the lowest price so I don’t overpay.”
Good suggestion Jackie!
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