Diz-Abled.com offers advertisers the ability to reach a targeted and growing audience. Our site includes:
- Extensive material taken from our book manuscript called Walt Disney World Made Easy for Everyone. We have chosen to place this quality material on the web, free to readers. We’re in the process of adding more every day.
- Current Disney news.
- Easy, step by step instructions for Disney travelers to plan their trips to Disney World.
- Extensive information to support those with extra challenges such as wheelchair/ECV use, pregnancy, travelling with an infant, or speaking a foreign language. It also supports those with minor to major health and emotional conditions, special needs, disabilities and handicaps.
We showcase original content, which is carefully managed for quality and consistency.
We promote this website extensively on Social Media by sharing articles through our own channels as well as through our partners pages and groups. We estimate that this gives us access to over 700,000 members.
We want be sure that we only show companies that have quality, relevant products and services.
Advertisers are encouraged to offer discounts to our readers.
All rates are subject to change without notification. You can reserve your spot with a minimum reservation of three months. Advertising is limited to providing goods and/or services to visitors of Central Florida. Diz-abled.com reserves the right to refuse any advertising request.
Please feel free to contact us for advertising information. Email Stephen at stephen@diz-abled.com. Or message Stephen on facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/stephen.ashley.142
Please email us with your contact information including your phone number, and briefly fill us in on your product or service. If you have a website please include the address.
We look forward to hearing from you, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. We usually try to contact you on the same day or at most within 48 hours.